Friday, May 9, 2008


Some of the current events of life, in all its tragic beauty.

Well, firstly, my grandfather has been in and out of intensive care for the past month or so. He is struggling with the loss of his ability to swallow. His doctor asked my dad if he wanted to put my grandpa on life support, which my dad decided to do. My grandfather now has a feeding tube going directly from his stomach to a food pump, but no one's quite sure how long it will last. Prayers about this, my friends. We knew it would have to come eventually, but that never really prepares you for what it's like to lose a loved one.

My family recently finished putting a fence around our whole back yard. This is excellent for the dogs, and is something we've been thinking about doing for years. Hoorah!

I am officially an R.A. next year, about which I am both excited and extremely nervous. I'm pretty sure I'll make a good R.A., I just have trepidations about the time commitment.

There is a road trip being panned for this summer!! More to come on that later. We're going through New York (the state), near Albany, into Canada, and back down and out into Boston. Not sure this is the best idea when gas is $3.80 a gallon, but, on the upside, it'll probably only get worse from here on out, so really, we're getting it in just on the tail end of our ability to do so!

I'll be working on a new behavioral therapy program for kids who have autism over the summer with Josh's neuropsychologist.

I had the most amazing piece of cake I've ever eaten today.

Ignorant, rude people should always be taken in stride, and remember, the patience you possess which allows you to reflect on yourself and not grow bitter is what differentiates you from them, so, be the better man, I suppose.

Oh, and I've been increasingly struck with the ineptitude of some of the parents of my friends recently. The best advice I have garnered from this? Don't have kids unless you're ready, and unless you're willing to unconditionally love them with the fullest extent of your being.