Dear Reader,
I have just discovered that my favorite childhood author, Madeline L'Engle, recently passed away, this past September. I can't believe it. Some of my fondest childhood memories are of curling up with "A Wrinkle in Time," or "A Wind in the Door." L'Engle was a master of her art. I'm sorry the world has lost such a champion of literature. I mean, she was the first one who got me interested in fantasy, and yet simultaneously got my mind spinning on science, going, well, okay, I know that's "true," but what if? It's the "what if?" questions that have brought me as far as I've come, especially in regards to my faith, and my choice to come to college to pursue medicine. I owe a lot to this lady, and I would like to take a moment to say, Thank You. Even in this frozen, lonely corner of the internet, I hope to thank you for the curiosity and strength you first awakened in me.
For Madeline.
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